Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

What Is Construction Law?

Map of Virginia's major cities and roads
Image via Wikipedia

In the past few weeks, I must have been asked one question on multiple occasions:  “What is Construction Law?”  When this question was asked, I realized that I’ve been Musing on this topic for almost three years and realized that I’ve posted on everything from why I enjoy being a construction lawyer, to various topics on the subject, to marketing a construction law practice, but have never attempted to define my own practice area.

Well, here’s my attempt to do just that, i.e. put a definition to the area of the law that I have practiced for so long-construction law.  In thinking about this topic when answering the questions from colleagues and friends (not to mention for my class at Solo Practice University), I realize that I don’t have a short answer.  The best “one liner” I could come up with is a mix of contract law, construction specific collection tools, psychology, and litigation.  Mix in some general business counseling for Virginia’s contractors and subcontractors and there you have it!

Not enough detail for you?  Here are a few of the basic components (many of which are pages here at Musings):

While this is not all that I do for my construction clients (either here in Virginia or those from outside of the Commonwealth), I believe that this pretty well sums up what I believe to be the components of a construction law practice.

Did I forget anything?  Is there a service you believe I could be providing that should be added to this list?  Let me know.

As always, I welcome and encourage your comments below, please share your thoughts.  Also, please subscribe to keep up with the latest Construction Law Musings.

What Is Construction Law?
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3 Responses to What Is Construction Law?

  1. Really interesting blog – came across it via twitter. We are starting to get more and more calls from lawyers who practice construction law for infrared scans to help establish liability – what are your thoughts? Will be retweeting!

  2. Yep – certainly not the right application in every case. Will look forward to continuing to read your blog! Thanks!

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