Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Let the ABA Know if You Like Construction Law Musings, Thanks!

Let the ABA Know if You Like Construction Law Musings, Thanks!I find it hard to believe that yet another year has almost gone by here at Construction Law Musings.  It seems only yesterday that this little corner of the “blawgosphere” turned two. Thank you to all of the guest posters who make this construction law blog so interesting to maintain, you have all contributed greatly and I appreciate your perspectives. Thanks also to all of the bloggers from whom I gain wisdom and at times a way around writers block.  It would take too long to mention you all, but readers can check out my links to find you.

The passing of another year also means that the annual Blawg 100 voting is beginning yet again.  For those who are new to the Blawg 100, this is a list of 100 blawgs that readers find interesting enough to write 500 characters (or less) about and submit the blawg link to the ABA Journal‘s editors.  If you find Musings to be one of your top reads, please submit it to the editors by September 9.  In any event, please check out the other law blogs on my links (or those that I may not know about) and submit these blogs for the ABA Journal’s review.

Thanks for all of your readership and your consideration and I look forward to the time when this little construction law blawg turns 3!

As always, I welcome your comments below.  Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.

Let the ABA Know if You Like Construction Law Musings, Thanks!
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