12 Years of Independence as a Solo Construction Attorney

12 Years of Independence as a Solo Construction Attorney

I have always found it appropriate that my jump to solo practice and Independence Day are so close in time.  Today marks 12 years since my first day as a solo practitioner of construction law at The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC.  Time sure has flown by thanks to the great clients and friends that followed me to solo practice and that I have met since the firm’s founding on July 1, 2010.  I also could not have made the transition and had the fun and success over the past 12 years without the support of the best wife and family that any construction lawyer could want.

Since the firm’s last anniversary, my youngest child (who was 7 when this journey began!) started and completed her first year at N. C. State University, my second oldest completed his first year of teaching, and my oldest marked her first marriage anniversary.  The last year was at least a bit more normal as the country has begun its recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.  I was blessed to have a cloud-based practice that kept me up and running despite the challenges of the pandemic.

Professionally, I’ve had a great year.  I rotated off as the chair of the legislative committee and continued in my post as Treasurer of the Section Council of the Virginia Bar Association Construction and Public Contracts Law section.  I was also honored to be nominated and elected to the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law for the 15th straight year and to the Virginia Super Lawyers in Construction Litigation for the 6th year running.  I also continued to have the opportunity to teach in various construction-related venues on relevant topics and to help out some of the best clients around.

All in all the 12th year as a solo construction attorney has been as good as I could have hoped.  Thank you again to the clients, friends, and particularly family that have made the last 12 years of solo practice fulfilling and fun.

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I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

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