I have been making the guest post rounds lately (thanks to those that let me muse at their sites). The most recent proves that given the right circumstances even a Blue Devil and a Tar Heel can get along (at least before the ACC basketball season starts up).
This week, Melissa Brumback (@melissabrumback) lets me invade Construction Law in North Carolina and post on disaster avoidance through contract drafting. Here’s a snippet:
Even in the case where you are “right” and “should never lose” there is risk in court. Juries, arbitrators and judges sometimes go the other way. These are humans. They are fallible and in many ways unpredictable. Litigation is (and should be) a last resort.
For more, check out my full thoughts entitled “Avoid Disaster: Have Your Contracts Reviewed.”
Thanks again to Melissa for the opportunity to post at her great construction law blog.
As always, I welcome your comments below. Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.