Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: ADR

Construction Mediation Works! (Even When it Doesn’t)

If you’ve been reading Construction Law Musings lately you know that I’ve been on a bit of a mediation kick.  I’ve recently been certified by the Virginia Supreme Court and have had a few mediations lately.  I’ve discussed the mediation process from the perspective of the advocate and that of the mediator.  Of course, most,

Is ADR Right for You? A Primer

Several posts out here in the legal blogosphere have discussed alternative dispute resolution (ADR).  One good post out there relating to arbitration is by my friend Matt Devries (@matthewdevries) at his great blog Best Practices Construction Law. In his post, Matt sets forth the case for arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism in the right

Reminder: Construction Litigation is Expensive, Be Sure It’s Worth It

I know, this title is yet another seemingly obvious statement in a series of them here at Construction Law Musings.  I seem to be going from cliche to cliche these days and musing on things from necessary evils to naming the correct parties in a lawsuit. However a recent post from my fellow “blawger” and

The Construction Lawyer as Mediator

While there has been much discussion about whether a construction attorney’s involvement  is actually a detriment to a construction project and its potentially litigious aftermath, I have spent a couple of posts here at Construction Law Musings to discuss the benefits of hiring a construction attorney early in the project, and even later in the