Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Announcements

Thanks to AEC Quality Magazine

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of invading the great AEC Quality Magazine (published by my pal Brian Hill (@blhill and @aecquality)) with some “musings” (some would say of the “windmill tilting” variety) about a construction lawyer’s role in the construction world and asking the question: “Should Construction Lawyers Wish for Litigation?”  You may be able

Yet Another Shameless Plug for Construction Law Musings

At risk of (or even certainty of) tooting my own horn, I am thrilled to yet again be nominated (thanks @mattbouchardesq) for the Construction Marketing Ideas, Best Construction Blog competition for 2014.  Among those that are fellow nominees are the following that are worth your time: Advise & Consult, Construction Law North Carolina, N. C.