Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Announcements

Let the ABA Know if You Like Construction Law Musings, Thanks!

I find it hard to believe that yet another year has almost gone by here at Construction Law Musings.  It seems only yesterday that this little corner of the “blawgosphere” turned two. Thank you to all of the guest posters who make this construction law blog so interesting to maintain, you have all contributed greatly

Summer Thoughts on Guest Post Fridays at Musings

As I sit here on a hot and humid Friday here in Richmond, Virginia and see that things slow down when the heat gets near 100 degrees, client service and friends come to mind. Thanks to everyone who contributes to the discussion here at Construction Law Musings.  Whether that input be by comment or full

Thanks to Greg Shelton at Construction Law Carolinas

Thanks to my new buddy Greg Shelton (@ConstrLawSCNC) and the up and coming Construction Law Carolinas blog for the opportunity to guest post!  Here’s a quick excerpt: New green building projects are popping up all over the place.  The USGBC, the entity that oversees and implements the LEED certification program, estimates that it has 1