Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Marketing

Shameless Plug Alert: Thanks to Construction Marketing Ideas

For the last three years the Construction Marketing Ideas blog hosted by friend, and occasional Guest Post Friday contributor, Mark Buckshon (@markbuckshon) has hosted their “Best Construction Blog” contest.  I have been pleased to be nominated and to have gotten votes in each of those years. Today voting opened once again for the Best Construction

Wow! Six Years of Legal Elite in Construction! Thanks!

The 2012 Virginia Business Legal Elite has been announced.  Once again, I am humbled and honored that the legal professionals here in Virginia have seen fit to elect me to the Legal Elite in the Construction category for the sixth straight year. I am thrilled to be named among some of my friends and colleagues