Originally posted 2018-10-03 11:07:55. In 2010, the Virginia Supreme Court held in Uniwest Const., Inc. v. Amtech Elevator Servs., Inc., that Va. Code Sec. 11-4.1 renders completely void and unenforceable any indemnification provision in a construction contract between a contractor and subcontractor that seeks to indemnify the indemnified party from its own negligent acts. In […]
Originally posted 2015-08-03 09:00:14. In an unusual flurry of occupational safety related activity, the Virginia courts decided two cases in the last week relating to either the review of occupational safety regulations themselves or their enforcement. In Nat’l College of Business & Technology Inc. v. Davenport (.pdf), the Virginia Court of Appeals considered what constitutes […]
Six Years as a Solo Construction Attorney! How Time Flies
Originally posted 2016-07-01 09:00:07. It seems like only yesterday that I ventured out on my own and started my solo construction law practice back in 2010. The reaction and fulfillment since I announced my move on July 1, 2010 has been great. Friends, clients, colleagues and, most importantly, my wonderful family have helped my practice […]
Dealing with Hazardous Substances on the Construction Site
Originally posted 2015-06-30 10:39:37. For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Construction Law Musings, we welcome Vickie Lane. Vickie is the primary point of contact for Business Development with HAZMAT Plans & Programs, a consulting and training firm that also works under the name of HP&P Safety. Vickie’s functions with HP&P include extensive pre-project […]
Construction Contract Basics: Venue and Choice of Law
Previously in this on-again-off-again series of posts on construction contract basics, I discussed attorney fees provisions and indemnification. In this installment, the topic at hand is venue and choice of law. As construction professionals (outside of us construction attorneys), you are likely to be focused on things like the scope of work in a construction […]