After 13 years in the same location, The Law Office of Christopher G Hill, PC will be moving to a new office location as of August 7, 2023. The new address and phone (email remains the same) as of that date will be: The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC 4860 Cox Road, Suite […]
A Good Examination of Fraud, Contract and Negligence Per Se
Originally posted 2018-02-27 16:36:32. I have spoken on several occasions here at Construction Law Musings about the interplay (or lack thereof) between fraud and contract as it relates to construction in Virginia. The general rule is that fraud and contract claims don’t mix and a fraud claim in the face of a contractual one is […]
Have the Feds Taken Over Arbitration?
Originally posted 2016-12-12 09:00:31. Image via Wikipedia All of us in construction have run into mandatory arbitration clauses in our contracts. These clauses are more or less desirable based upon the size of project and other factors that will provide a topic for another post here at Musings or in my class at Solo Practice […]
“Source of Duty,” Tort, and Contract, Oh My!
Originally posted 2021-02-03 11:07:05. Here at Construction Law Musings, I have discussed the general rule in Virginia that tort and contract do not mix. I have also discussed a few narrow exceptions. A Virginia Supreme Court case from October of 2019 lays out both sides of this issue in one glorious opinion. In Tingler v. […]
Happy Independence Day from Construction Law Musings!
As things warm up as they always do in July here in Richmond, Virginia here’s wishing you all a wonderful 4th of July from Construction Law Musings and The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC. I hope that you and your families can take some time off to reflect and relax, stay as cool […]