Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Business of Construction

If You Think Only Lawyers Preach a Good Contract

Originally posted 2013-07-30 09:00:41. Here at Construction Law Musings, we always preach that a good contract is the best way to start a project off right.  No only do the Virginia courts enforce these contracts to a “T,” a well drafted contract can and does set the expectations for both sides so that those wonderful

Happy Holidays from Construction Law Musings

We are nearing the end of an (at least comparatively “normal” 2021).  Most of the Hills are home for the holidays (my oldest and her husband are celebrating in Pittsburgh) for some Christmas cheer while Musings takes some holiday R & R. I wish you all Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from The Law Office

What a 13th Year of Musings it’s Been!

On this date back in 2008 (wow, that seems so long ago), I began Construction Law Musings at the Blogger platform with a brief announcement. Little did I know that this corner of the internet (or is it Blawgosphere?) would still be around in 2021! Since the inception of Musings, I’ve met several construction lawyers