Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Business of Construction

Review the Terms and Conditions of Purchase Orders- They Could be Important!

There are many moving parts on a commercial construction project.  These range from site surveys to weather events to ordering materials.  On most large construction projects, the prime contract and subcontracts are generally drafted ahead of time and hopefully reviewed by both in house personnel and an experienced construction attorney.  However, there are situations, particularly

What is a Conservation Easement and Why in the World Would I Put One on My Land?

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome a new face and newly solo attorney, Lee Stephens.  Lee  (@leestephenslaw) has represented dozens of landowners who successfully placed conservation easements on their property, ranging from a farm of 1,800 acres to a lot of 0.85 acres, all over the Commonwealth.  Lee currently sits

The Landscape of US Immigration Laws and How It Affects The Construction Industry

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome back a good friend and fellow construction attorney, Scott Wolfe Jr. Scott is a construction attorney who practices law through his firm Wolfe Law Group in California, Washington, Oregon and Louisiana.  He is also the founder of Zlien, a nationwide preliminary notice and mechanic’s

Murphy was an Optimist- How to Deal with this Truth on a Construction Site

Anyone who deals with construction on a daily basis will tell you that something will go wrong on the job site.  I am constantly reminded of this fact (and also reminded that I may have a somewhat skewed perspective because I spend my time either dealing with problems, or anticipating them for my construction clients).