Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Construction

Quick Tip: Don’t Indemnify for Breach of Contract

Quick Tip:  Don’t Indemnify for Breach of Contract

Every contractor or subcontractor has seen that indemnification language in a contract that states that the indemnifying party will indemnify the contractor, owner, architect, owner representative (and likely to dog walker, though I’m unclear on that one) for any claim relating to the indemnifying parties actions to include any breach of the construction agreement.  This

Fishing with Clients

Originally posted 2016-05-02 11:22:39. We live in an internet, Web 2.0 (or are we on to Web 3.0?), LinkedIn, Twitter, online marketing age.  This is true for construction lawyers and their clients.  We are constantly bombarded with ways to increase our Google search position and SEO is still a big buzzword.  You would almost believe

Is ADR Right for You? A Primer

Originally posted 2013-09-23 10:16:00. Several posts out here in the legal blogosphere have discussed alternative dispute resolution (ADR).  One good post out there relating to arbitration is by my friend Matt Devries (@matthewdevries) at his great blog Best Practices Construction Law. In his post, Matt sets forth the case for arbitration as a dispute resolution

You Mean They Can Do That?

Originally posted 2013-09-20 09:00:38. For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Construction Law Musings, we welcome back Melissa Dewey Brumback.  Melissa is a construction law partner at Ragsdale Liggett, in Raleigh, North Carolina.  The bulk of her practice involves representing architects and engineers in construction-related claims, including construction administration and management, plan defects, testing

Happy New Year 2025!

Happy New Year 2025!

Another year of work, “musing,” interesting cases, and relationships, is in the books.  I hope all of you had a great 2024 and I wish you a prosperous 2025.  Without further ado, Happy New Year from Construction Law Musings and The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC. Please join the conversation with a comment