Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Contracts

Unjust Enrichment and Express Contract Don’t Mix

I am a huge fan of clearly written construction contracts.  Virginia state and federal courts will interpret contract provisions as written and will seek to enforce all of those terms where possible.  Where the contract is ambiguous, we construction attorneys make money and the courts are forced to make decisions that the parties may not

Recent Construction Law Opinion Roundup

Originally posted 2014-01-20 09:00:06. Well, now that my suggestion of a new year’s resolution and quick review of a recent (and funny) book are done, we’re back to the more mundane, yet no less relevant, discussion of recent construction opinions here in Virginia. In the last quarter of 2013, the Virginia Circuit Courts in Norfolk

The Anatomy of a Construction Dispute- The Claim

Originally posted 2015-11-25 11:00:01. A  new year brings with it promise and challenges.  The promise is a relatively clean slate and the thought that 2015 will be a great year for construction professionals and those that assist them.  The challenges come from the almost inevitable issues that can arise on a construction site with its

The General Assembly Adds Some Clarity to Contracts and Unlicensed Contractors

Originally posted 2018-03-26 11:02:41. For years, the statute regarding performing construction without a valid license (Va. Code 54.1-1115) was a bit murky.  While that statute listed several prohibited acts, among them contracting without the proper class of license or use of the license of another, the consequences of such activity, in particular the effect that