Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Contracts

Green Expectations are Key to a Successful Construction Project

I have talked a lot about LEED and sustainable building here at Construction Law Musings.  Recently, Constructor Magazine ran an article about “Green Expectations” that caught my eye. While we (and I include the great guest posts on the subject) have discussed the risks and possible future litigation relating to LEED and sustainable building, the

Rejection’s a Bear- Particularly in Construction

Image via Wikipedia As I read through this week’s cases published in Virginia Lawyers Weekly, I came across a case posing an interesting question.  The question is, “If your bid is rejected along with everyone else’s, can you complain?”  The short answer set out by the Rockingham County, Virginia Circuit Court is “No.”  In the

ConsensusDOCS Goes Green

Recently, the ConsensusDOCS, a set of form documents that compete with the older (though in my opinion, no more useful) AIA contract documents with which all general contractors and subcontractors are familiar, released a Green Building Addendum(the ConsensusDOCS 310). In the interest of full disclosure, I am a member of the working group on this