Category: Mechanic’s Liens

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts Marketing Mechanic's Liens

Reflections on a Construction Law Weekend

Image via Wikipedia Each of the last two years, I have attended the Virginia State Bar Construction Law and Public Contracts Section Seminar.  This year it was held at the Boar’s Head Inn in Charlottesville, VA. While there, I have the pleasure of talking with friends (among them Tim Hughes aka @vaconstruction and main force […]

Announcements Construction Law Mechanic's Liens

Thanks to Scott Wolfe!

Thanks to Scott Wolfe (@scottwolfejr) for the opportunity to post at his great Construction & Mechanic’s Lien Blog on the topic of changes to Virginia’s mechanic’s lien statute. Here’s a sample of the post: I have discussed the picky nature of Virginia mechanic’s liens often over at my Construction Law Musings blog. Not only are […]

Bond Claims Business of Construction Construction Law Mechanic's Liens

It’s That Time of Year Again. . .

As I was sitting with some construction pros I know recently, it occurred to me that it’s that time of year.  What time of year you ask?  The time in every year when my claims practice, whether through lawsuit, bond claim, or mechanic’s lien, picks up.  At a time when most would think that contractors […]

Announcements Bond Claims Construction Law Contracts Mechanic's Liens

Contracts and Collections- Construction Expo- Richmond, VA

Do you have issues with collection on your construction contracts?  Need to file a mechanic’s lien?  If so, check out this slide show that I used in presenting a seminar at the Richmond Construction Expo this week relating to just these topics, and more.  I may even be presenting as you read this post! As […]

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