Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Construction Law

Contracts and Collections- Construction Expo- Richmond, VA

Do you have issues with collection on your construction contracts?  Need to file a mechanic’s lien?  If so, check out this slide show that I used in presenting a seminar at the Richmond Construction Expo this week relating to just these topics, and more.  I may even be presenting as you read this post! As

Personal Safety Records- A Good Idea?

A recent issue of ENR caught my attention with its cover story about the personal safety records debate.  The article and the viewpoints expressed in the Pro and Con discussions got me “musing” on the propriety of such a requirement. On the one hand, such a personalized approach could lead to safer work places because

Public Contracts- What can be waived?

Image via Wikipedia As a general contractor or subcontractor in the Commonwealth of Virginia (and likely other places as well) you likely have run into situations where the contract you sign with the owner or upstream contractor had a clause that waived your delay damages or limited your delay remedy to additions of time, but