Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Construction

Announcement: New Email Subscription Service

Recently Google has changed its Feedburner services and eliminated email subscriptions as one of the Feedburner offerings.  Because of this change, I have moved the email subscriptions (though not the RSS) database over to MailChimp.  Those of you that already have subscribed via email in the old system should continue to get updates with each

English v. RKK- There is Even More to the Story

Just when you thought that the litigation between W. C. English and RKK had no more to give (after all, there have been posts with wisdom from this case here, here, and here), it keeps on giving.  A relatively recent opinion from this litigation involved, among other pre-trial motions, motions by English to exclude expert

Even Where Fraud and Contract Mix, Be Careful With Timing

I have often discussed the limited circumstances under which a construction contract claim and a fraud claim can coexist.  A recent case from the Western District of Virginia federal court demonstrates that care is necessary even in those limited circumstances. In Fluor Fed. Sols., LLC v. Bae Sys. Ordinance Sys., the Court examined the question

More on Duty to Defend a Subcontractor

Originally posted 2015-02-13 09:11:48. While we don’t often discuss insurance coverage issues here at Construction Law Musings, occasionally a case comes up that makes the grade for a post.  One such case was Erie Insurance Exchange v. Salvi, where the question of an “occurrence” that warranted coverage and defense under an insurance policy was at

Why Settlement is Often Worth Fighting For

Originally posted 2016-02-15 09:00:48. Well, I’m back after what was several weeks of fun, depositions and settlement negotiations.  Between a great family holiday trip and work, the month of January and some of February flew by and I didn’t have the time to keep up with my usual Monday posting schedule.  Thank you to those