Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Construction

The Value of Pre-qualifying Contractors On Public Construction Projects

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome Harold (Hal) Good, CPPO.  Hal is the director of Purchasing for Frederick County Government and First Vice President of the National Purchasing Institute, (NPI).  Prior positions include: Director of Procurement and Contracting for the city of Palm Springs, California and materials management related positions

Wow! A Mechanic’s Lien Bill That Helps Subcontractors and Suppliers

You know how I’ve stated on many occasions that the contract is king here in Virginia?  You know how that included contractual provisions waiving mechanic’s lien rights for subcontractors and suppliers?  You know how I thought that the General Assembly would not do anything to make mechanic’s liens in Virginia easier to prosecute? Well, it

Where Construction Law Musings Asks for Your Vote

Each year, Mark Buckshon of the Construction Marketing Ideas blog (one that contains a great amount of wonderful information, by the way), hosts a Best Construction Blog contest. This little corner of the blawgosphere has been nominated for the 2015 competition. Mark has kindly said a few words about Construction Law Musings to give you