Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Construction

Check Out the 35th Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar

Beginning this Friday, I will be joining some great folks on the faculty of the 35th Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law Seminar.    This year I am very honored to be joining Hanna Blake to discuss the topic of “How to Prosecute and Defend Payment Bond Claims.”  Aside from our presentation, the topics range from

The Beautiful Mess

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome back Mike Collignon.  Mike is a co-founder of the Green Builder Coalition. The Green Builder® Coalition is working to improve the sustainable attributes of new and existing buildings through education, information and advocacy. If you watched any of the World Cup coverage this summer,

Be Sure to Check out This Fall’s Annual Construction Law Seminar

Are you a Virginia construction attorney?  Would you like to knock out a full year of CLE credit (including Ethics) in one fell swoop?  Want to have a great time meeting and networking with some of the best construction attorneys in Virginia?  Want to hear me speak along with friend and fellow Construction Law and

Just Because Your Employee Was Supposed to Work Safely. . .

Here at Construction Law Musings, I’ve discussed the need to keep up with your safety program and stay out of the cross-hairs of the state and federal safety inspectors. The Virginia Court of Appeals gave a stark reminder of this fact in the case of Atlantic Environmental Construction Co. v. Malveaux, Comm’r.  In this case,