Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Construction

Use RIMC and Dominate Your Construction Niche

This week, Musings welcomes Mark Buckshon of the Construction Marketing Ideas blog to Guest Post Friday.  Mark publishes several regional construction industry newspapers and websites. He can be reached at 888-432-3555 ext 224 or by email at If you can imagine a table or structure which needs foundation “legs,” you will appreciate how to

The Economic Loss Rule Applies Only to Products Liability Cases, at least in Florida

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Construction Law Musings, we welcome a friend and sometime co-presenter Craig Martin.  Craig (@craigmartin_jd) is a partner in the law firm of Lamson Dugan and Murray, LLP in Omaha, Nebraska. He has a background and experience in all aspects of construction law. As part of his practice

Wow! An Interview Over at ClaimKit

Thanks to my pal Chris Cheatham (@chrischeatham) over at ClaimKit and his blog The Electronic Claim for a great opportunity.  Chris and I have been friends for a while and he decided to interview me over at his blog.  Here’s the opening paragraph of flattery: This is the third post in our construction law business