Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Category Archives: Green Building

LEEDigation: A Different Take

Originally posted 2015-01-30 09:48:16. This weeks Guest Post Friday at Musings is a real treat. Sara Sweeney is a registered architect, LEED AP and GreenFaith Fellow in religious environmental leadership. Her 18-year architectural career reflects her passion and commitment to sustainable building design and stewardship of our natural environment. She is the founder of EcoVision

The Uncertain Future of the IECC

For this week’s Guest Post Friday, I welcome an old friend and past Guest Post Friday contributor, Mike Collignon. Mike is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Green Builder® Coalition. He engages in national and state-level advocacy and publishes regular content for Green Builder® Media. Mike is also the Chair of the WERS Development

More Thoughts on “Green” (the Practice, not the Color) Building

Originally posted 2015-06-16 13:00:57. It has been a while since I “mused” on the green building landscape.  While I am a LEED AP and have presented on green (read “sustainable”) building in the past, I am not totally sold on LEED as the be all end all in sustainable construction (the USGBC is a private

Are “Green” Building Designations and Certifications Truly Necessary?

Originally posted 2012-11-19 09:18:52. As anyone who reads this construction blog on a regular basis knows, I believe that the move to newer sustainable building practices (while bringing about a new or different set of potential risks) is both necessary and laudable.  Because of this fact, you may be asking why the headline for today’s

Changing Landscape: How Can Construction Professionals Keep Up?

Originally posted 2010-10-13 09:10:19. For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Musings welcomes Imad Naffa.  Imad is the Founder and President of NAFFA International, a private Building Code Consulting Services company in Fresno, CA. He is also the Developer and Administrator of the Building Code Discussions Group (BCDG), one of the largest building code online communities