Originally posted 2017-12-11 09:24:23.
This week’s Musings on one of my favorite topics, mediation, and how I believe it helps construction lawyers like me is hosted over at ALPS411. Thanks to the folks over at ALPS for an opportunity to “muse” over there for a second time.
Here’s a short excerpt:
As a litigator and counselor I almost (though not quite) always recommend mediation at some point during the process. A majority of the time, the infusion of the mediator’s perspective results in a settlement if not that same day, then later. In those rare cases where mediation has not resulted in a settlement, the process has been worthwhile.
In general, my experience with construction mediation is quite positive. Without going into many of the details (for more on my thoughts, check out the ADR Page at Construction Law Musings), mediation allows the flexibility and freedom for business people to make business decisions that result in a more satisfactory result than the lost time, expense and uncertainty of litigation.
For the whole post check it out here.
As always, I welcome and encourage your comments below, please share your thoughts. Also, please subscribe to keep up with the latest Construction Law Musings.