Thanks again to the great folks over at ALPS411 for another opportunity to join their great list of writers and post a few thoughts on my role as a mediator.
Here’s a quick excerpt and hopefully it will interest you in the whole post (linked above):
There is, however, a third role that I personally embrace on a regular basis: the role as mediator. Aside from the advocate’s role (one that I enjoy and see as necessary for the protection of my clients), an experienced construction attorney can also serve as a neutral mediator to assist the two sides of a construction related dispute reach a resolution short of the time, risk and expense of a trial and a judge’s decision. As a non-partisan mediator and solo attorney, I can and often do have insight into the small business aspects of the dispute and some of the cash flow pressures and other concerns that would not be relevant in court, but often drive the thought processes during mediated negotiations.
Thanks again to ALPS411 and I hope you will check out the other great thoughts on law practice found at this great blog.
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