Does Stricter Decertification Mean More “Leedigation?”

Does Stricter Decertification Mean More “Leedigation?”

Originally posted 2015-07-13 09:00:13.

Green BuildingRecently, my friend and fellow construction attorney/consultant, Chris Cheatham (@chrischeatham) posted the news that USGBC will be more stringent on the de-certification front. This statement relates to the continued energy performance of LEED-certified buildings and increases the likelihood that energy performance (as opposed to mere reporting) could lead to de-certification.

I have discussed on several occasions the potential legal risks relating to green building.  One of the big potential sources for such litigation (or “leedigation” as coined by Mr. Cheatham) is the possible de-certification of a previously certified building.  With this latest statement by USGBC, the specter of such de-certification seems even stronger.

Couple this potential with the fact that anyone can challenge the certification of a building at any time and contractors, subcontractors and other construction professionals face potential liability for the performance of a building in ways well beyond their control.

While this risk is a real one in my opinion, careful planning and consultation with a construction lawyer familiar with the LEED certification system can help construction professionals minimize this risk.

On another note, Scott Wolfe and I will be discussing these risks and solutions in more detail next week at the Green Legal Matters conference in New Orleans.

Update:  Tim Hughes (@timrhughes) has pointed out that the GBCI has changed the challenge policy, thanks for the update, Tim!

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I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

10 thoughts on “Does Stricter Decertification Mean More “Leedigation?”

  1. The answer to the question I believe is yes!

    PS – I have a post tomorrow on the challenge process, looks like they tweaked it and I have seen nary a whisper, found it completely randomly today writing for Washington Business Journal and needing a link!

  2. Big time find by Tim Hughes. I am left perplexed why they didn’t release a public statement about the change. Odd.

    Maybe we will find out more next week at GLM.

  3. I went out for coffee the morning after my post with someone and mentioned it – I asked him if he knew before, and he did … but direct from an upper level GBCI guy’s mouth.

    Odd they did not announce it. Kudos for fixing it so fast though!

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