Guest Post Fridays

Guest Post Friday Construction Law Musings If you read Musings regularly (and you should 🙂 ). You know that I try to have someone guest post every Friday on a topic relevant to construction.  Whether the topic be green construction, construction law, marketing, conflict resolution, or some other topic that I hope that you will find interesting.

These guest posts will give you a different and interesting perspective on the business of construction and construction law and will expose you to some of the great folks that I met during the growth of Construction Law Musings and my construction practice.  The contributors to Guest Post Friday have made this construction law blog a better place to visit.

I also use “Guest Post Fridays” as a way to thank the many people I’ve met either through Twitter/X, in person, or through other Web 2.0 media.  Many of the guest contributors have been instrumental in the growth of Musings and my construction law practice.  I encourage you to visit their blogs and other links found in the various guest posts.  I promise you will learn something from each of them.

If you are interested in posting something that would fit here, please check out the Guest Posting Guidelines and then feel free to contact me.

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