Periodically, I look back through the various Guest Post Friday posts here at Construction Law Musings. When I do this, I am amazed and thankful for the wide range of topics and the level of authorship. In re-reading some of the posts, ranging from how photos can help out a construction project to technology to other construction law related topics, I am always thankful to each of you for the help you give in making this little corner of the internet a lot more interesting. I hope you had as much fun writing the posts as I have had in reading them.
For those of you that are new to Musings, I highly recommend that you check out the Guest Post Friday page to get a flavor as to the great resource that these posts can be for construction lawyers and construction professionals alike.
I also have truly enjoyed the relationships with folks that I’d never have met if it weren’t for this blog and the interaction that Guest Post Friday has allowed me to have.
In short, thanks and I look forward to many more.
Image from stock.xchng
As always, I welcome and encourage your comments below, please share your thoughts. Also, please subscribe to keep up with the latest Construction Law Musings.

Chris, would love to write a Friday Guest post. We have seen so many construction litigation cases and worked as expert witness on over 150 cases claims, etc…let me know how and what you are interested in posting. Bob