As it gets warm here in Richmond, VA and the calendar flips to July, I find myself reflecting on the now 3 full years (as of July 1) of my solo practice here at The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC. Back when I first opened my solo construction law practice, I thought it appropriate that I began that journey 3 days before our country’s Independence Day. For that reason, I am particularly mindful of the great country we live in (despite some recent national government related news). I am grateful for the independence to go out on my own and make my way as a construction attorney and mediator in a way that I couldn’t when I wasn’t my own boss.
I am also grateful for the great support that all my friends and readers have given over the years both through Musings and in the non-virtual world. This support has helped my practice grow and made things fun.
So, without further ado, I wish you all a reflective, fun and wonderful 4th of July. I hope you all get to take a bit of time off to relax and enjoy the fireworks.
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