Happy Labor Day from Construction Law Musings

Happy Labor Day from Construction Law Musings

Ahh, Labor Day, the end of summer break for many, and the beginning of another school year.  This year will be a different sort of Labor Day for my family.  Our youngest is off at NC State University and there will be no packing up school supplies and excited decisions on first day of school outfits.  For the first time in close to 24 years, tomorrow won’t bring a trip to a bus stop or a teenager on their way out the door with a backpack to drive to school. Our oldest is married and gainfully employed and our second has begun his journey as an 8th-grade math teacher.  A new chapter in our family life is beginning and we’re ready for the journey.

I hope that all of you readers have the opportunity to sit back and relax for one more day before the hectic days of the school year hit in earnest (if they haven’t already).

Here’s wishing you all a wonderful, relaxing, and fun-filled Labor Day from Construction Law Musings.

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I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

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