Musings Goes Solo!

Musings Goes Solo!

The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PCToday I start a new journey.  After 13 years of working for the government and two private firms, I am now a construction lawyer in solo practice at The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC.  Like many solo lawyers, I make this jump with great excitement.    My new contact information is:

The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC
4870 Sadler Road, Suite 300
Glen Allen, VA 23060
Phone: (804) 205-5155
Fax: (804) 205-5156


Why do this now?  My time at the Virginia Attorney General’s Office and two private firms here in Richmond, Virginia gives me the skills, insight and experience necessary to take on the challenges and rewards of solo practice.  My skill set and dedication to my clients remains the same and I will continue to represent the people and businesses that I have enjoyed representing, namely contractors, subcontractors and other construction and design professionals.

Also, by moving out on my own, I can provide a level of responsiveness and flexibility to my construction clients that is not available at a larger firm.  By taking this step, I will be able to respond more rapidly to my clients’ issues and participate in a more direct way to manage their risk and help their construction business grow.  By being able to use more flexible billing and other business practices, I can better tailor my representation of my construction clients to meet their business needs.

Finally, and most importantly, I need to thank several people that have been instrumental in my decision.  First and foremost, my great family.  Without their support, I could not have made this great move to start my own firm.  Also, all of those attorneys, bloggers, contractors and other friends that have provided guidance and encouragement over the years.  The names of these folks are way to numerous to list here, but I hope that you all know who you are.

So please check out the new firm and contact me with any questions, words of wisdom or thoughts that you may have.  I look forward to continuing the conversation from my new vantage point as a solo construction lawyer at The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC.

As always, I welcome your comments below.  Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.

I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

27 thoughts on “Musings Goes Solo!

  1. Good luck. As I’m certain you realize having given it careful consideration, you’ve now added at least two new hats: Head of Sales and CEO in addition to your legal chores and expert counsel. If you’ve never read, the E-Myth Revisited might benefit your life and prevent learning the hard way not enough hours in the day. Of course, most lessons are learned the hard way so you cannot totally avoid. All the best. Hang tough! You’re no longer working for The Man, you are now THAT man!

  2. Chris-

    I am so happy for you! I have been solo for almost 7 years now and its the most rewarding (and sometimes scary) experience of my life. I wish you nothing but happiness and paying clients. 🙂

    Good luck and know that there are lots of us “Solos” out here and always willing to help each other.


  3. I’m very excited for you. Nothing is better than working under your own rule. The move will allow you to focus on the type of work you want to do for your clients. I have no doubt that you will be uber successful.

    Congratulations Chris – you deserve it!

  4. Chris,

    What an exciting time in your life! I know you will be more than ok and will do great things in the years to come. Going solo and leaving what is familiar can be the impetus for great things to come.

    You have so much to offer, love your craft and helping others. These qualities will guide you in the days to come.

    The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC will prosper I have no doubt.

    Best wishes my friend!


  5. Chris, Congratulations! You will be amazing:-) As a faculty member at Solo Practice University you will always have all our resources available to you to help you on this journey!

  6. Chris –

    Congrats on your new adventure and I wish you the very best!

    I know you are going to create something special – nothing compares to being the captain of your own destiny.

  7. How exciting for you, I’m sure you will look back on this decision as a very positive and important step. Best wishes for the future,


  8. What an appropriate time to become independant and setting out on a great adventure! Have a great and fun 4th of July and good luck, I have no doubt you will be very successful and be able to set off fireworks in celebration every year!

  9. Congratulations! I only hope that being captain of your own ship won’t rob us of your contributions! All the best in your new endeavour.

  10. Best wishes, Chris. I know you will find a new level of success and satisfaction from your law practice. Onward and upward!

  11. Congratulations. I took the leap in 2002 and it seems like yesterday. Time flies when we are having so much fun. Solo practice is a different creature, and for me, it has proven successful by allowing the flexibility I craved and the opportunities to learn nuances within my practice areas. I wish you all the best!!

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