Here we are post-Christmas. The Christmas tree is still up, but only because I haven’t taken it down yet and the inflatables in the front yard are still smiling at the neighbors. It is also the end of another calendar year here at Construction Law Musings. So, what would this last post of 2014 be if not some reflections (or “Musings” as it were) on the year that was.
First and foremost, it was a great year here at this little corner of the web. We had a couple of new Guest Post Friday contributors. I was named to the Virginia Business Legal Elite in Construction Law for the 8th year in a row. I taught some CLE on Virginia mechanic’s liens and the prosecution of payment bond claims. We (and I include guest contributors in this) discussed topics ranging from whether to include arbitration in your construction contracts to what to do when moving to a new service area. I was also able to share my thoughts on topics ranging from what to look for when hiring a construction attorney (at The HTRC) and my review of the Transporter private cloud (at Lawyerist) among other posts at other sites. So all in all, a good year here at Construction Law Musings.
On the solo practice front, I continue to grow my mediation practice and spread the “gospel” that mediation is a great way to resolve your construction disputes. The practice continues to thrive and I still greatly enjoy the autonomy and flexibility that being solo allows in service of my construction clients.
Moving forward into 2015, my goals are to keep my clients out of trouble through early intervention and “in house counsel” type risk advising. By continuing my partnerships with my clients as they grow their businesses, I hope to make 2015 a great year for the firm and its clients. I also resolve to be even more vigilant in seeking to resolve disputes short of arbitration or litigation so that my clients can keep more of their hard-earned money in the bank instead of in the legal system.
So without further ado, thank you to all of my loyal readers for sticking with me through 2014. Thanks also to my wonderful family without whom I could not have had such a wonderful year.
Here’s to the best year yet in 2015.
As always, I welcome your comments below. Please subscribe to keep up with this and other Construction Law Musings.