Musings on Guest Post Fridays

Musings on Guest Post Fridays

Originally posted 2015-03-17 10:06:58.

Construction Law Musings, Guest Post FridayWhen I first got the idea of “Guest Post Fridays” back in early 2009 and then launched it with a great post from Scott Wolfe of The Wolfe Law Group (@scottwolfejr), I had no idea that it would take off in the way that it has.  Now, almost 2 years and 90 posts later, Construction Law Musings has had the privilege of a wealth of perspectives on, among other topics, mediation (thanks Vickie Pynchon and Ron White), green building (thanks Chris Cheatham, Shari Shapiro, and James Bedell to name three of many), insurance (thanks Martha Sperry and Mark Rabkin), general perspectives on construction topics (thanks Doug Reiser, Melissa Brumback, among many others) and even the occasional interview.

While it is impossible to list all of you who have contributed to Guest Post Fridays here at Musings (please use the link above to review all of these posts and see who else has contributed) and to thank you individually, please know that each and every one of your contributions have made Construction Law Musings a more vibrant and interesting place to visit.  The opportunity to work with such varied, intelligent, and insightful people over the last year has been wonderful.  With each post I learn something new.

Without these contributions to add a layer of color that I could not provide alone, Musings would just be another blog about construction law by a Virginia lawyer.  With them, Musings is a fun place to hang out and learn.  To those who have posted here in the past, the door is always open for a repeat posting, just give me a buzz with a topic and when you can do it.

In short, thank you to all of you who have contributed since this experiment began and I look forward to hearing what you all have to say in the future.

Image via stock.xchng

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I am a construction lawyer, arbitrator, and mediator in Richmond Virginia

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