Thoughts on construction law from Christopher G. Hill, Virginia construction lawyer, LEED AP, mediator, and member of the Virginia Legal Elite in Construction Law

Why Your Construction Company Needs a “Staff Attorney”

Construction projects can get complex.  Not only do the contracts governing those projects seem to get more complex, but the law governing those contracts and the construction world seem to change on a regular (though not always logical) basis.  Its enough to make a construction professional want to simply sign a contract and plug ahead

Virginia Occupational Safety Conference Reflections

Virginia Occupational Safety Conference Reflections

Originally posted 2017-01-31 10:45:32. Last week, I spoke at the 15th Annual Virginia Occupational Safety and Health (“VOSH”) Conference.  I always enjoy speaking at these events because I always learn something.  This year I spoke on the topic of record keeping and how to handle a VOSH or OSHA inspection (you can find a copy

Want Coverage for Construction Related Damage? You Need an Occurrence

Originally posted 2013-02-25 09:00:18. In reading the title to this post, you are likely thinking “Duh, of course you do, if nothing “occurs” then there is nothing to cover!” (or something to that effect). While this seems an obvious conclusion, we’re talking the world of law, construction and insurance coverage where nothing is easy and

Another Reason for Contractors to Get Licensed in Virginia (UPDATED)

Originally posted 2013-01-28 09:00:45. I’ve discussed the need for licensing here at Musings.  I’ve also discussed a recent attempt to mess with the residential notice requirements of the Virginia mechanic’s lien statute.  A recent bill that made it out of House subcommittee, HB 1913, takes these two concepts and mixes the need for a contractors

About Musings

About Construction Law Musings

I am a construction lawyer in Richmond, Virginia, a LEED AP, and have been nominated by my peers to Virginia's Legal Elite in Construction Law on multiple occasions. I provide advice and assistance with mechanic's liens, contract review and consulting, occupational safety issues (VOSH and OSHA), and risk management for construction professionals.

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