Tag: alternate dispute resolution

ADR Business of Construction Construction

ICMY: Christopher Hill and Law Office of Christopher G. Hill Provides ADR Services

I’ve spoken many times here at Construction Law Musings about arbitration and mediation and their various pros and cons.  If you’re a long-time reader (and I hope that you are), you know that I love mediation and am a bit more tepid about arbitration (mostly due to costs). For a few years now, I’ve provided […]

ADR Construction Law Contracts

Do You Really Want Mandatory Arbitration in Your Construction Contract?

If you are in construction, you have likley run across (or even drafted) a dispute resolution provision into your construction contract.  If you’ve been building for any length of time, you’ve read dispute resolution provisions containing mandatory arbitration clauses.  These clauses can be found in the AIA documents and in many of the contracts that […]

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