Tag: Amy Derby

Announcements Business of Construction Guest Post Friday Marketing

An Interview with Amy Derby a/k/a/ The Law Firm Blogger

For Musings’ second Guest Post Friday, Amy Derby of Law Firm Blogger fame has been kind enough to interview me for her guest post here at my corner of the blogosphere. Amy is a law blog consultant who helps small firms and solos learn to write better blogs and utilize the social web to network […]

Guest Post Friday Marketing

An Interview of Amy Derby- the Law Firm Blogger

For this week’s Guest Post Friday, I get to turn the tables on Amy Derby of Law Firm Blogger fame. Amy interviewed me for Musings’ second Guest Post Friday. Amy is a law blog consultant who helps small firms and solos learn to write better blogs and utilize the social web to network and brand. […]

Announcements Marketing

Too Many Thank You’s

As Musings nears five months of its existence, I feel the need to thank all of those who have been kind enough to contribute to its success. When I started this on mostly a whim in December, I had no idea how this experiment could grow and the great people and opportunities that presented themselves. […]

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