Originally posted 2014-10-31 09:00:28. Mechanic’s liens are a powerful tool when used correctly. However, as I have discussed on numerous occasions here and elsewhere, these tools must be wielded correctly if they are to be effective. Another case in point occurred recently in the Hanover, VA Circuit Court. In Dallan Construction Co. v. Super Structures […]
Form Contracts are Great, but. . .
Originally posted 2011-06-24 09:26:58. Recently I was discussing the ConsensusDOCs with a colleague and friend and had a revelation. These forms are used often (though somewhat less than their AIA counterparts and less than they should be used). Quick disclaimer: I have been a part of a couple of drafting committees for ConsensusDOCs and am […]
Be Ready to Lien in 2009 (but Be Careful!)
Originally posted 2010-07-30 12:28:30. 2009 is likely to be a year in which many construction liens are filed. As all of us in construction know, and as reported in the AGC SmartBrief, the beginning of 2009 and through 2010 will likely show an even greater downturn in the commercial and residential markets. These economic times […]
Thoughts on Standard of Care?
Originally posted 2017-01-01 10:00:24. I had a great chat Friday with Shari Shapiro of the Green Building Law blog. The topic of discussion was whether the general standard of care in construction that includes knowing and building to the building code encompasses meeting LEED benchmarks found in some but far from all codes. I posted […]
Construction Law Musings Turns 9!
It was 9 years ago today that I announced the creation of Construction Law Musings with two lines, no picture and some vague idea that I wanted to share my thoughts and insights into Virginia construction law. Back in 2008, Musings was on the Blogger platform, my kids were much younger (they’re now a junior […]