Originally posted 2010-12-03 09:00:24. For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Musings welcomes Ryan Bowers (@ryanbbowers). Ryan is a construction law attorney and business litigator. Ryan’s construction practice draws on his years of hands-on experience in the construction field, which predates his practice of law. He also maintains Law under Construction, a blog built for Indiana construction […]
Just When You Thought the Green Building Risk Discussion Was Over. . .
Originally posted 2012-09-10 09:00:00. As a reader of Construction Law Musings, you no doubt realize that I am a big proponent of “green” or sustainable building. I have also been known to sound a bit like Eeyore when discussing the charge into the breach of green building without considering the potential risks. Thankfully, and despite […]
True Sustainability – Trust, But Verify
Brian L. Hill helps others to achieve more from less through business development, digital media and construction consulting. A fourth generation construction/real estate professional, he shares his passion for pursuing quality in the built environment at AECforensics.com. Always on the search for quality content, if you are a professional in the A/E/C industry, consider writing […]
ConsensusDOCS Updates its Forms
As reported recently in ENR Magazine, among other publications, the ConsensusDOCS folks have updated their contract forms. Why is this news? First of all, it’s only been around three and a half years since these documents were officially released and this release is about 18 months sooner than anticipated (the original revision cycle was to […]