I am beginning to think that I should start a page just dedicated to the Dragas Management Chinese Drywall saga. If you remember, Dragas is the company that tried to do the right thing and help its customers. However, it made the mistake of doing this without a “claim” so its insurance did not need […]
Thanks to Greg Shelton at Construction Law Carolinas
Thanks to my new buddy Greg Shelton (@ConstrLawSCNC) and the up and coming Construction Law Carolinas blog for the opportunity to guest post! Here’s a quick excerpt: New green building projects are popping up all over the place. The USGBC, the entity that oversees and implements the LEED certification program, estimates that it has 1 […]
Six Months of Solo Musings
Recently, I looked up at the calendar and it hit me. . . I’ve been solo for a bit over 6 months now. Now that I’m six months in, and have 2010 behind me, I thought I’d share a few observations and thoughts. First, and most importantly, the doors are still open and I’ve hit […]
5 Tips For Turning Every Construction Project Into A Marketing Event
For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Construction Law Musings welcomes Jay S. Fleischman. Jay is a New York bankruptcy lawyer and legal marketing consultant who helps lawyers using online and offline tools to grow their practices. The construction industry is going through turmoil and tough times, with small and larger construction companies alike finding it […]
Sometimes You Just Have To Go Negative
For this week’s Guest Post Friday, we welcome Matt Handal for a third time. Matt (@matthandal)is a marketer, contributing editor of SMPS Marketer, and blogs about Marketing in the A/E/C industry. Matt sure is busy, but never too busy to answer your questions at mhan7474@yahoo.com or post at www.HelpEverybodyEveryday.com, where you can sign up to […]