Tag: @chrischeatham

Business of Construction Green Building

Reflections on Green Matters

This past week I had the pleasure of speaking at Green Matters in New Orleans.  The conference was great. The speakers, among them Tim Hughes (@timrhughes), Shari Shapiro (@sharishapiro), Chris Cheatham (@chrischeatham) and Doug Reiser (@douglasreiser) and my co-speakerScott Wolfe (@scottwolfejr), were excellent. From discussions of greening the legal office to how the GSA works […]

Announcements Green Building

Off to New Orleans for Green Legal Matters

Back in March, I posted on this great conference.  Now it’s here and early tomorrow morning I will be heading off to the great city of New Orleans to join friends and fellow construction and green building bloggers and attorneys (among them Tim Hughes (@timrhughes), Shari Shapiro (@sharishapiro), Chris Cheatham (@chrischeatham) and Doug Reiser (@douglasreiser)).  […]

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