Tag: ConsensusDOCS

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Form Contracts are Great, but. . .

Originally posted 2011-06-24 09:26:58. Recently I was discussing the ConsensusDOCs with a colleague and friend and had a revelation. These forms are used often (though somewhat less than their AIA counterparts and less than they should be used). Quick disclaimer: I have been a part of a couple of drafting committees for ConsensusDOCs and am […]

Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

ConsensusDOCS Hits the Cloud

Originally posted 2012-05-14 09:00:07. I have discussed the ConsensusDOCS here at Musings on a few occasions.  These relatively new form documents, endorsed by the AGC among other trade organizations, are a great counterpoint to the AIA documents that we all are more than familiar with and as construction attorneys and contractors have likely reviewed on […]

Announcements Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts Marketing

AGC Construction Contract Pitfalls Seminar

I will be participating as one of two panelists discussing the AIA and ConsensusDOCS potential pitfalls on February 23, 2010 at the Richmond, VA headquarters for the AGC of Virginia.  I encourage all general contractors and subcontractors in the Richmond, VA area to attend.  Check out the flier below. [ipaper id=25164935] For a .pdf of […]

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