Tag: construction contract

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts Guest Post Friday

Make Your Contract Work for You: Top 5 Clauses to Review Before Signing

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Musings, we welcome back Rob Pitkin.  Rob (@KCconstrlawyer) is an attorney with the Construction Law Group of Horn Aylward & Bandy, LLC in Kansas City, where he handles Construction disputes and other types of sophisticated business litigation.  Originally from Iowa, he graduated from Wheaton College in Illinois […]

Construction Construction Law Contracts

Should a General Contractor Tell a Sub that its Bid is Too Low?

A recent article by my pal, and occasional guest poster, Craig Martin (@craigmartin_jd) asks the question: “Does a General Contractor Have to Tell a Subcontractor that its Bid is Too Low?”  In his great post on a recent Nebraska decision concludes that the answer is no, so long as the subcontractor had all of the […]

ADR Construction Construction Law Contracts

Some Random (or Not So Random) Musings on a Thursday

As I am sitting here this week trying to get back on the blogging bandwagon (and I apologize for the less consistent posts as of late) and dealing with the occupational hazard of “bloggers block,” I thought I’d just go through the many great posts and blogs of friends and colleagues in the relatively small […]

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