Thanks again to all of the good folks at ALPS 411 for the ability to use their fine practice and risk management platform to share a few “musings.” This time around, I was asked for thoughts on building an online presence as a solo practitioner. Here’s a taste: When Kiffin Hope here at ALPS 411 […]
Thanks Again to The Lien Blog
I have been lucky to get to know Scott Wolfe, Jr. (@scottwolfejr) and the folks at the Lien Blog (@zlienit). Scott is a multiple time guest contributor here at Construction Law Musings and I have been lucky enough to post on multiple occasions over there. The latest of my guest posts discusses the wisdom of […]
Shameless Plug Alert: Please Consider Construction Law Musings for the Blawg 100
Yes, its that time of year again and nominations are open for the ABA Blawg 100. Its also the time that I both thank you, the readers of Construction Law Musings that keep this maintaining this place worthwhile, for your readership and also ask that you become a “Friend of the Blawg” and let the […]
Happy Independence Day from Construction Law Musings
I find it appropriate that I started my solo practice four years ago and that Independence Day was only 3 days later. Over the past four years I have never regretted cutting ties with my old firm and heading out on my own. I am most thankful to my family (particularly my wife) and a […]
A New Way to Share (Thanks Lawyerist)
I previously had the privilege to reminisce on my transition from government lawyer to solo practitioner at the Lawyerist blog. Even after that, Sam invited me to give my take on the Transporter private cloud device. I have found this hardware alternative to Dropbox to be a good device for my solo practice.