Today is a day to give thanks, and I want to make sure to thank you all for reading and contributing to this little corner of the legal blogosphere. Without all of your readership, comments and suggestions, musing would not be half as rewarding. Here’s wishing all of you, my wonderful readers, a warm and […]
A Couple of Interesting Construction Law Cases
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the 33rd Annual Construction and Public Contracts Law seminar sponsored by Virginia CLE and the Construction Law and Public Contracts section of the Virginia State Bar. Aside from learning a lot and getting a chance to rub elbows and network with some (if not all) of […]
Happy Halloween from Construction Law Musings
Happy Halloween from Construction Law Musings and The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC. Wishing you and your families a safe, spooky and candy filled Halloween from Construction Law Musings. Particular Halloween wishes to those readers recovering from Hurricane Sandy. Thanks for all of the comments, guest posts and readership! I encourage you to […]
Join Me As I Venture Forth as a Construction Mediator. . .
As you know, I am a big fan of mediation for the resolution of construction disputes. I have discussed the value, both monetarily and stress wise, of mediation on multiple occasions. I have discussed the value of mediation even when it does not lead to settlement and had numerous Guest Post Friday posts from my […]
Happy Labor Day from Construction Law Musings
Here’s wishing you and your families a great and (hopefully) restful Labor Day. Here at Musings, we’re taking a day off to get ready for the start of school and recharge the batteries for the stretch run to the end of 2012. Thanks for all of your readership and I look forward to hearing from […]