Tag: construction law musings

Announcements Construction Construction Law

Happy End of Summer from Construction Law Musings

Ahh, Labor Day, the end of summer break for many, and the beginning of another school year.  My wife dropped our youngest off for her Sophomore year and the only non-college school year will be experienced by our son, a 6th-grade math teacher in Boone, NC.  Our oldest is now a happy homeowner in her […]

Construction Law Contracts

Fraud and Construction Contracts- Like Oil and Water?

Originally posted 2014-11-27 10:00:21. We have discussed the interaction of fraud and breach of contract actions on occasion here at Construction Law Musings.  In most cases the two do not mix.  Between the economic loss rule and the general desire of Virginia courts to keep contract actions and tort actions separate, most of the time […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

After a Bid, When Do You Really Have a Deal?

Originally posted 2013-09-16 10:53:15. Construction contracts are a big part of any contractor, subcontractor, supplier or construction attorney’s daily life.  Therefore, it is key to know when you actually have a contract.  Is it after your bid is accepted and used by the Owner or General Contractor? Is it only after the subcontract is signed?  […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

Stick to Your Guns on Price and Pricing with Construction Contracts

Originally posted 2014-05-27 09:00:44. In recent posts here at Construction Law Musings, I have discussed the need for clarity of contract, trusting your gut, and assuring that your contract has the necessities.  All of these bits of advice (along with my usual advice of working with an experienced construction attorney) are true with regard to […]

Announcements Construction Law

Have a Great Memorial Day from Construction Law Musings

Well, the “official” beginning of Summer is upon us, local pools are opening, and the temperature is rising. The office is closed and I am enjoying the day off with my family and friends (now that things are as “normal as possible) and thinking about those that served this country. I hope that you are […]

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