Recently Google has changed its Feedburner services and eliminated email subscriptions as one of the Feedburner offerings. Because of this change, I have moved the email subscriptions (though not the RSS) database over to MailChimp. Those of you that already have subscribed via email in the old system should continue to get updates with each […]
More on Duty to Defend a Subcontractor
Originally posted 2015-02-13 09:11:48. While we don’t often discuss insurance coverage issues here at Construction Law Musings, occasionally a case comes up that makes the grade for a post. One such case was Erie Insurance Exchange v. Salvi, where the question of an “occurrence” that warranted coverage and defense under an insurance policy was at […]
Construction Related Legislative Changes Effective July 1, 2013
Originally posted 2013-07-01 09:00:22. Every year at this time, a new set of statutes comes into effect. This year is no different. If you are a fan (or at least follower) of the Virginia General Assembly and have an interest in construction, you have likely kept informed about some of the various statutory changes that […]
Happy Holidays from Construction Law Musings
We’re nearing the end of a crazy (to say the least) 2020 and family time is at a premium. Happily, my recent college graduate and her fiance are joining the rest of us (including my college senior) for some Christmas cheer while Musings takes some holiday R & R. I wish you all Happy Holidays […]
Thanks for the Guest Post Opportunities
Originally posted 2012-09-07 09:00:58. Here we are on Guest Post Friday and I thought that I’d take a moment to thank those that have allowed me the privilege of providing guest posts at their sites over the last few months. I always appreciate the chance to share some thoughts with readers of great blogs like […]