Tag: Construction Law

Construction Law Contracts

Construction Contract Basics: Attorney Fee Provisions

I have discussed the need for attorney fee provisions in your construction contracts in prior posts here at Construction Law Musings, but thought it merited a restatement of the reasons for the inclusion of such fee provisions (and changing of such provisions when presented) here with the second of my construction contract basics posts. Why […]

ADR Construction Law Contracts

E-Mail Can Waive Arbitration (sometimes)- A Cautionary Tale

Originally posted 2010-12-11 10:00:10. We have discussed arbitration clauses at length here at Musings.  From the judicious use of these clauses to help resolve disputes to waiver of rights under these clauses through inaction, arbitration clauses permeate the construction landscape.  A recent case out of the Western District of Virginia Federal Court adds a new […]

Announcements Construction

Musings is Moving!

After 13 years in the same location, The Law Office of Christopher G Hill, PC will be moving to a new office location as of August 7, 2023. The new address and phone (email remains the same) as of that date will be: The Law Office of Christopher G. Hill, PC 4860 Cox Road, Suite […]

ADR Business of Construction Construction Law Contracts

Have the Feds Taken Over Arbitration?

Originally posted 2016-12-12 09:00:31. Image via Wikipedia All of us in construction have run into mandatory arbitration clauses in our contracts. These clauses are more or less desirable based upon the size of project and other factors that will provide a topic for another post here at Musings or in my class at Solo Practice […]

Construction Construction Law Contracts

Default, Fraud, and VCPA (Oh My!)

I’ve discussed the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (VCPA) and the interaction between fraud and contract on numerous occasions here at Construction Law Musings.  A recent case from the Eastern District of Virginia District Court discusses this interaction (along with that dreaded default) further. In Bhutta v. DRM Construction Corp., the homeowners, the Bhuttas, sued DRM […]

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