Tag: construction lawyer

Construction Law Contracts

Construction in the Time of Coronavirus

One cannot look at one’s phone, computer, or even the road outside the window without seeing signs of the impact that coronavirus (COVID-19) is having on the world at large.  Schools are shut down, traffic is lighter and there is a daily count of new confirmed cases, in Virginia and elsewhere.  “Social distancing” is the […]

Construction Law Contracts

Another Reason to be Careful Before Walking

Originally posted 2011-12-05 14:36:35. We have discussed issues that may arise in the context of a residential construction project.  Because most homeowners are not sophisticated in the ways of construction (and really shouldn’t be) expectations are key and keeping your nose clean as a contractor is key.  Courts in some instances will lean toward the […]

ADR Business of Construction Guest Post Friday

Breaking the Impasse by Understanding Blame

Originally posted 2012-06-08 09:00:48. For this week’s Guest Post Friday (on a Thursday) here at Construction Law Musings, Victoria Pynchon (@vickiepynchon) joins us for the 4th time.  Victoria is an attorney-mediator with ADR Services, Inc. in Century City; an arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association in Los Angeles, California; and, a negotiation consultant and trainer […]

Business of Construction Construction Construction Law Contracts

A Teaming Agreement is Still a Contract (or, Be Careful with Agreements to Agree)

I have discussed teaming agreements in this past here at Construction Law Musings.  These agreements are most typically where one of two entities meets a contracting requirement but may not have the capacity to fulfill a contract on its own so brings in another entity to assist.  However, these agreements are contracts and are treated […]

Bond Claims Business of Construction Construction Construction Law

General Indemnity Agreement Can Come Back to Bite You

I talk about payment bonds often here at Construction Law Musings.  I talk a bit less about performance bonds and even less about the General Indemnity Agreements (GIA) that are signed by companies and their principals as part of the agreement between a construction company and its bonding company for the provision of these bonds.  […]

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