Tag: construction marketing ideas

Business of Construction Guest Post Friday Marketing

Humility (and a lighter touch) Can Help Your Construction Marketing

Originally posted 2017-12-25 10:00:04. This week, Musings welcomes back Mark Buckshon of the Construction Marketing Ideas blog to Guest Post Friday. Mark publishes several regional construction industry newspapers and websites. He can be reached at 888-432-3555 ext 224 or by email at buckshon@cnrgp.com. Recently, in co-ordination with my business’s primary business consultant Bill Caswell, we […]

Business of Construction Construction Guest Post Friday Marketing

Use RIMC and Dominate Your Construction Niche

This week, Musings welcomes Mark Buckshon of the Construction Marketing Ideas blog to Guest Post Friday.  Mark publishes several regional construction industry newspapers and websites. He can be reached at 888-432-3555 ext 224 or by email at buckshon@cnrgp.com. If you can imagine a table or structure which needs foundation “legs,” you will appreciate how to […]

Announcements Business of Construction Marketing

Musings Nominated for Best Construction Blog

My friend Mark Buckshon (@markbuckshon) has started a great contest at his wonderful Construction Marketing Ideas blog. He has been kind enough to include me in the list of great blogs eligible for this award.  I am honored just to be listed.  If you are a reader of Construction Law Musings and enjoy reading it […]

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