Tag: construction mediation

Announcements Construction Law

Happy Holidays from Construction Law Musings

It is that time of year again.  The thermometer gets colder (at least most places) and the holidays are upon us.  Things slow down a bit and, for some, snow is on the ground.  It is also a great time to spend with family and friends. Here’s wishing you a calm, happy and family filled […]

ADR Business of Construction Construction

More Musings From the Mediation Trenches

As those that read this construction blog on a regular basis know, I became a Virginia Supreme Court certified mediator a few years ago.  I did so because I believe that mediation as a form of alternate dispute resolution is in most cases a much better alternative to resolve a construction dispute than litigation. While […]

ADR Construction Law

Musings on the Virginia Mediation Network Fall Conference

As those of you who read this little corner of the legal blogging world know, I am now 3 years or so into my time as a Virginia Supreme Court certified mediator.  I am also available and as active as possible for private mediations.   Why go through the certification process as opposed to just using […]

ADR Business of Construction Guest Post Friday

How to Deal with Impasse Caused By the Lack of Authority to Commit

For this week’s Guest Post Friday here at Construction Law Musings, we welcome once again a good friend and better mediator, Victoria Pynchon. Vickie (@vickiepynchon) is an arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association and a mediator of commercial disputes with ADR Services, Inc. in Los Angeles. Her newest book, Success as a Mediator for Dummies […]

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