It is that time of year again when I find it appropriate to reflect on the great things in my life. As I sit here with my family on Thanksgiving Day 2022, I have much to be thankful for. I have a thriving construction law practice, great clients, wonderful friends, and of course the best, […]
Happy Halloween from Construction Law Musings
Here’s wishing all of my readers a safe and spooky Halloween! If you find this Musing to be interesting and have a comment, please join the conversation below and subscribe to keep up with the latest information.
Mediation is (Almost) Always Worth a Shot
As Hurricane Ian is bearing down on Florida the economy is sputtering, it is easy to lose track of things that construction professionals (among others) can control. One of those things is how to resolve your construction dispute. When initial, and hopefully business-oriented, discussions break down and the construction lawyers get involved, often more formal […]
What Counts as Adequate Opportunity to Cure?
Here at Musings, we like to discuss (likely more than readers would like) the fact that in Virginia, the contract is king and its terms will be looked at carefully by the courts. One of those provisions that will be looked at carefully is the so-called “cure period.” The “cure period” is the time that […]
I Still Learn From Teaching
This past Thursday and Friday, I taught another course at the AGC of Virginia Richmond District headquarters. This time it was the “Contract Documents” module of the Supervisor Training Course. While similar to prior training I have given, the focus of the training was on field supervision and how best to run a construction project […]